Tuesday 14 February 2012

Have you met the world fattest man?
you need to check him out!
please, watch what you eat, ok?


Keith Martin, believed to be the world’s fattest man, the bed-bound 42 years old, cannot even roll over on his own. He is visited by seven care workers a day, who wash and change him in two shifts, two nurses every other day, who tend to his bed sores.
Despite the huge drain on public funds, he has been unable to work for more than a decade. “It’s either that or I would end up dead. Until people have lived like it, they can’t judge. Some people need help, Smokers get help, rock climbers get help if they get injured. Some people have bigger problems than others. I am trying to get my weight down. Hopefully it won’t be too long,” he said.
Martin, who has outgrown his size 8 extra large, XL, clothes, is hoping to have a gastric band fitted but has been told he must lose half his weight before that can be done.
“ I blame myself, I don’t blame anyone else. It is my fault, am the one who eat the food. No one held a gun to my head and made me. I hate what I have done to myself,” he added.
He was a normal weight and used to enjoy cycling until his mother, Alma, died when he was 16. Then he began binge eating and drinking, and started to balloon from 12 stone to his current life-threatening proportions.
Martin, who is 5ft 9in but has a 6ft waist, has been back in hospital several times since, and has also been diagnosed with depression and had heart problems.
A specialist team, which uses £90,000, adapted ambulances designed to transport plus-size people is needed to move him. Up to eight ambulance officers manoeuvre him from his bed to the ambulance by stretcher or a special bag, which can be used to drag him along the floor.
He typically starts the day with eight hot dogs and four slices of bread, or a pile of ham sandwiches followed by coffee with sugar.
While for Lunch, he takes chocolate bars, cakes, a packet of biscuits plus more coffees with sugar.
For dinner, he takes two whole roast dinners with all the trimmings, 16 sausages plus a family-sized bag of oven chips washed down with coffee.
They last went to his aid in the autumn after he fell at home. Since then, he has remained in bed.
He used to order huge amounts of junk food to his house through online shopping, but now eats only what is cooked for him by his two sisters, who live with him.
Martin is believed to have taken the fattest man title from a 90-stone Mexican called Manuel Uribe, who has gone on a diet and is now 31st 6lb. “I won’t be contacting Guinness World Records about it, It’s not something to be proud of,” he said.

 By Portia

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