Wednesday, 29 February 2012

                                               NEWS SPECTACLE
check out who is contesting as senate president, Virginia, United States, UN. 

                   Hank the cat sets sights on US Senate
Hank the cat, United States, US, Senate candidate in Virginia, has thrown his paw into the race, running to mock the political status quo, launched earlier this month, by Matthew O’Leary, his campaign manager.
Since it seems like George Allen and Tim Kaine have been running for several years, a fresh set of whiskers is attracting the media’s attention.
Unwilling to concede the feline constituency, Allen announce the “co-chair” of his cat coalition, Cisco. He graciously welcomed Hank into the race, perhaps knowing that Hank’s pro-Obama background could siphon votes from Kaine.
Anthony Roberts, the cat's owner, says he and his partner set up the campaign as an inside joke. But the campaign's website has crashed after a recent spate of publicity.
Hank is nine years old, which makes him about 52 in human years if he’s an indoor cat, or almost 80 if he’s an outdoor cat. He is independent, has never run for public office. He bathes by licking himself, enthusiastic and energetic enough to chase a bouncy ball, he has the wisdom to understand that it is almost impossible to catch,” he said.
Hank's campaign posters show the Maine Coon gazing upward, wearing a tie. An advert says Hank, a moderate, will work to make sure America stays the greatest land of all.
Hank is running for the seat being vacated by James Webb, retiring Senate, a Democrat.

by Portia

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